Left For Red Reivew by GetYour Rock Out
Left for Red - Review From Bloodstock 2015
Photo by: Richard Price
Live Review: Sabrina Beever
Left for red had a greater focus on the melodic interaction of the instruments whilst maintaining a harder rock sound with other inflections. Vocalist JC unlike most other vocalists did not have an overly gruff tone but was able to sustain higher notes often as climax points in the melody which could compare to vocalists such as Ozzy Osbourne and Ian Gillan. Bassist Dan Carter played funky heavy riffs whilst also providing great backing vocals and playing his part to get the crowd going “Bloodstock hands” as the New Blood tent became a wave of hands in the air. Different breakdown sections allowed the guitarists to display the feeling they had in them, playing a mix of groove and metal in harmony was a great separation until the notes got more hard hitting in non vocal sections.